About Deb Hallisey
I am Deb Hallisey and I am my mother’s caregiver. I reluctantly took over this role from my father.
When dad was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, I knew I was about to become responsible for my mother. I would lie in bed at night and think “Where do I Start?” “What do I do next?” Five years and counting, and at each new stage in caregiving I ask myself these same questions.
As caregivers we take on the role of bill payer, grocery shopper, home health aide, social director, advocate, and financial advisor to name just a few of our responsibilities. It is overwhelming and exhausting.
Helping you, the family caregiver to answer your “Where do I start?” and “What do I do next?” questions is the core of Advocate for Mom and Dad Consulting. Although questions are similar, answers are different for each family, because health needs, finances and family dynamics are unique to each family.
My caregiving experience, my corporate consulting background and the research, writing and networking required to write a weekly blog buts me in a unique position. It makes me qualified to educate you, the family caregiver, on options, direct you to the appropriate resources, help you navigate family dynamics and the minefield of caregiving.
Schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation with Deb to explore your needs and those of your family:
I am a Certified Caregiving Consultant™ and Certified Dementia Practitioner®. I hold an M.A. in Leadership and Supervision and am currently taking additional training to become certified as a Certified Caregiving Educator (CCE) and a Certified Caregiving Facilitator (CCF).